Pre-order now: Productivity 101 (new course)

Hey there!

I’ve been working on a brand-new course. It’s called Productivity 101. You can pre-order it now—and the first 50 people get 25% off.

There’s also a great bonus for anyone who pre-orders… so keep reading.

What’s this new course about?
So much information comes our way every single day. Emails, chats, tasks, documents, meetings, you name it.

At work as well as at home, our responsibilities are multiplying, but we still only have the same 24 hours in a day. To thrive today and in the future, we need a systematic approach to getting stuff done. We need a personal productivity system to help us stay organized.

Enter Productivity 101, a self-paced video course. This course is about the fundamentals of productivity: to-dos, emails, notes, documents, meetings, your calendar—and your long-term priorities.

Enroll in this course and we’ll build a comprehensive productivity system, so you can show up as your best self.

Who is this course for?
This course is for you if:

  • You feel overwhelmed
  • You have many plans but you don’t follow through
  • You’re missing deadlines or are always working on tasks last minute
  • You rarely get around to things that are important, but not urgent
  • Your to-dos, files, and notes are all over the place

What does the course cover?
Productivity 101 goes back to the basics of productivity. We’ll build a robust productivity system that you can rely on. There’s one lesson for each of the main components:

In lesson 1, we’ll cover a framework for handling all the information coming at you.

In lesson 2, on to-dos, we’ll get a handle on your tasks and projects.

In lesson 3, on email & messaging, we’ll tame your inboxes.

In lesson 4, on notes & documents, we’ll ensure you can find these valuable assets whenever you need them.

In lesson 5, on meetings & your calendar, we’ll make sure you’re prepared for meetings, take clear and useful notes, and reliably follow up—but also have room in your schedule to focus on your deep work.

In lesson 6, on goals, we’ll find the balance between short-term tasks and long-term priorities.

In lesson 7, on weekly reviews, we’ll set up a safety net so you can recover when you stumble.

In lesson 8, we’ll connect the dots of your productivity system, setting you up for sustainable productivity.

And finally, in lesson 9, you’ll get next steps to maintain your momentum.

Each lesson includes a YouTube-quality video, lesson text, and action items. Your time is your most valuable asset, so I used everything I learned in six years of teaching productivity and organization to make this course as efficient as possible while getting you maximum results.

What else is included?
The course also includes a variety of resources to reinforce what you learned and to help you get the most out of your favorite tools:

  • A downloadable course workbook with action steps and checklists
  • A downloadable summary of the key Productivity 101 principles you can refer back to periodically
  • App recommendations and tips for your favorite apps

In short, the course combines theory and action, leading to real results.

Teaser worksheet: What Goes Where?
To give you a sense of the exercises and worksheets that are part of the course, I’ve prepared a teaser worksheet for you. This worksheet will help you organize all of the information and documents coming your way. It’s just one small part of the course, but I think you’ll find it useful by itself:

Free teaser worksheet (on Google Sheets): What Goes Where?

How is this course different from my other courses?
In most of my other courses, you’ll learn how to master specific apps to increase your organization and productivity. This new course, Productivity 101, covers all the essential productivity topics without requiring you to use any specific apps or tools.

Productivity 101 does pair very well with my other courses. I recommend combining:

  1. Productivity 101, to cover all the productivity basics
  2. A deep-dive course into your task manager of choice and, if you use Apple devices, into Apple Notes
  3. Big-Picture Productivity, a deep-dive into clarifying your long-term goals and making them happen

Productivity 101 pricing options
You can buy the course in one of three editions:

  1. Just the video course
  2. Course + chat coaching: adds one month of private, 1:1 chat coaching from me
  3. Course + video coaching: adds a 60-minute 1:1 coaching video call

(Note: the pre-order discount is only available for “just the video course”.)

I don’t frequently make myself available for coaching, so you might want to jump on this opportunity.

Stack discounts by enrolling in a bundle!
You can also buy Productivity 101 as part of a course bundle. Not only does this get you an extra discount, but you’ll also be able to start one of the other courses right away (and Productivity 101 on June 30). You can choose from the following bundles:

  1. Productivity 101 + Apple Reminders course (20% off)
  2. Productivity 101 + OmniFocus 4 course (20% off)
  3. Productivity 101 + Things 3 course (20% off)
  4. Productivity 101 + Todoist course (20% off)
  5. The Works: all seven of my paid video courses, plus the bonus workshop Translating Your Goals Into Action (52% off)

(The bundles all include the “just the course” edition of Productivity 101—no coaching.)

Because the 25%-off discount for the first 50 people to enroll is on top of the bundle discounts, you get a really, really good deal right now.

Bonus for pre-orders: live Q&A session with Peter
The course launches June 30, 2024. But if you pre-order, you get access to a bonus office hours and Q&A session. That session will be on July 20 at 13:00 New York time (on Zoom). That’s a few weeks after the course becomes available, so you’ll have time to work through the course and then ask me anything.

Two more things…
First, did you know that 97.6% of participants would recommend my courses to a friend? I recently asked ChatGPT to summarize the feedback people leave on my courses and I felt so happy to read this:

Second, a tip: let your employer pay! Many employers have a budget for professional development. And what could be more valuable to the company than you increasing your productivity? Ask your supervisor or the HR department to let you use the company credit card or to reimburse you. I’ve prepared a handy employer reimbursement request template.

So that’s Productivity 101!
Use the button below to enroll. The 25%-off coupon will automatically be applied—if you’re one of the first 50 people to enroll. On the checkout page, you’ll be able to see how many coupons are left.

As always, the course comes with a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee.

Looking forward to having you in the course and seeing you in the Q&A session on July 20!

— Peter

P.S. If you have a question, just reply to this email.

Peter Akkies

Hi, I’m Peter from Amsterdam. I’ll help you get organized and be more productive. Every Sunday, I send a productivity-themed newsletter to 10,000 people. Join us!

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