
Peter Akkies

You’re probably old enough, but in case you need a reminder…

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

I don’t know how old you are, but you’re probably old enough to have noticed by now that time moves pretty quickly. Days can feel long, but years tend to feel short. At least, that’s my experience.

Today is March 31, 2024. It’s the final day of Q1. Zooming out a bit, we’re also roughly a quarter of the way through the century, which is nuts for those of us who remember the year 2000. But the numbers don’t lie.

Because I like to use my time well and live in accordance with my values, interests, and goals, I’m going to make make a quarterly plan tomorrow. Join me, in spirit? That way we can all be a bit more intentional.

Watch: Best To-Do List Apps in 2024

There’s an endless supply of to-do list apps. While doing the work is the most important bit of the equation, some apps really can make you more productive. So, which are the best to-do list apps in 2024? Here’s my list:

Listen: conversation with Derek Sivers

What you believe determines how you behave. So imagine believing that everything that happens in your life is your responsibility—could that, counterintuitively, be good for you?

I recently chatted with Derek Sivers, an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and musician. He’s got some provocative views on the topic of beliefs and his reasoning really got me thinking.

We discussed a bunch of other topics, too, including productivity topics, so I think you’ll love listening to this conversation.

Peter Akkies

Productivity Teacher

Hi, I’m Peter from Amsterdam. I’ll help you get organized and be more productive. Every Sunday, I send a productivity-themed newsletter to 9,000 people. Join us!

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