Prices going up in 48 hours (get your discount)

Do you badly need to organize and prioritize your very long to-do lists?

Now’s the time.

Why? Two reasons.

First, every day that you continue to be disorganized and overwhelmed is costing you. Without prioritization and focus, you’re not moving forward.

Second, the solution to this problem is about to get more expensive:

I’m increasing the price of my task management courses by $50.

At the new prices, it’s still a no-brainer investment. The peace of mind you’ll have from organizing your to-dos is priceless. Not to mention the value of how much more you’ll get done.

Even so, you can still enroll at the old price.

So, choose your app: organize your to-dos with Apple Reminders, OmniFocus, Things, or Todoist.

Then enter this coupon code at checkout: AUG24PRICE.

And act fast. After 48 hours, the coupon expires, and the price goes up forever.

P.S. You can also get the same $50 off the bundle The Works, which gets you access to 7 productivity courses plus a bonus workshop.

If you really want to dig in, get organized, and supercharge your productivity, this is by far the best deal…

Peter Akkies

Hi, I’m Peter from Amsterdam. I’ll help you get organized and be more productive. Every Sunday, I send a productivity-themed newsletter to 10,000 people. Join us!

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