
Peter Akkies

Should you plan your week ahead of time?

Published 2 months ago • 2 min read

Quick note: last Friday I launched Organize Your Life with OmniFocus 4.

OmniFocus is the first task manager I ever used and it has a special place in my heart. OmniFocus 4 recently came out after years of development. Is it perfect? No. But after test-driving it, did I end up really liking it? Yes! So if you’ve been curious about OmniFocus 4, check out the course.

Should you plan your week ahead of time?

If you’ve been reading my newsletter for a while, or if you’ve taken one of my courses, you know that I’m a huge fan of doing weekly reviews. In fact, I believe that reviewing weekly is the #1 productivity habit. Everyone should adopt it.

When you review, you make sure all of your to-do lists and projects are up to date. After you do that, should you also plan your week ahead of time?

I always recommend periodically looking ahead. Which deadlines are coming up? Which events will you be attending soon? What will your availability be like in the coming week or two, time- and energy-wise? Taking even a quick look really helps with anticipating deadlines and making the best use of your time.

I usually advise against making strict weekly plans, though.

I’ll be recording some podcast episodes this week—yes, my podcast is back on and I’m very excited about it—so I’ve pre-scheduled a task for Wednesday to research the guest I’ll be interviewing Thursday. Similarly, last week I saw that tomorrow I’ll be recording a sponsored YouTube video, so I pre-scheduled a task for yesterday to prepare the outline for that video.

In the same way, I schedule a few other tasks ahead of time to make sure I meet my deadlines. But I don’t go overboard.

In the coming week, some other things I’d like to do are:

  • Make improvements to the sales pages for my other courses
  • Record a clip for someone’s else podcast
  • Update some cheat sheets I offer to a new visual style
  • Make arrangements for my upcoming trip to Bali (turns out I’ll be landing there on the eve of Nyepi, the yearly day of silence, so when I arrive I won’t be able to buy groceries or even leave my house for a day)
  • Record some videos for my Toastmasters club

These things are not time-sensitive, but I want to do them soon. They’re important, but not urgent. It’s temping to identify every non-urgent task I’d like to work on in the coming week and get it on my schedule or calendar somehow. But I resist that temptation. I might schedule a few things, but not too much. I leave myself with lots of room—lots of margin—so I can react.

Something might take longer. My priorities might change. A new, even more important task might appear. Planning ahead makes sense, but the further into the future you plan, the less likely you’ll be able to follow your plan. Life is just like that. The situation changes.

Definitely schedule tasks with hard deadlines ahead of time. Beyond that, schedule ahead within reason. You can always rely on your regular daily planning process. You do take a few minutes each morning to make a deliberate plan for the day, don’t you?

Watch: How to Organize and Integrate Your To-Do List & Calendar

The two pillars of our day-to-day productivity are our to-do list and our calendar app. How can we use these two apps together to be more organized and more productive? Let’s explore.

Peter Akkies

Productivity Teacher

Hi, I’m Peter from Amsterdam. I’ll help you get organized and be more productive. Every Sunday, I send a productivity-themed newsletter to 9,000 people. Join us!

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